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Victim Services

orange county restorative justice victim programsRestorative justice addresses a criminal act in the context of the people harmed and the community affected, rather than as an offense against an impersonal ‘state.’ The central focus of restorative justice is to meet the needs of impacted parties, including the community at large.  

Individuals who cause harm have an obligation to repair the harms caused, and restorative justice facilitates the mending of relationships and accountability for losses. Because crime harms the whole community, the restorative justice process involves community members to hold an individual accountable. 

Are you a victim participating in the process? Here is what to expect: 

Participation by people impacted in the incidents referred to our program is voluntary.  The goal of OCRJC is that you, as an affected party, feel empowered to have the needs the incident created for you addressed. 

The victim outreach coordinator will connect with you to explain the restorative justice process and the various options you have to participate. Options include meeting with the coordinator to help you provide an impact statement, recoup documented losses or expenses related to the incident, participate in a restorative circle, or have dialogue with the responsible party.

OCRJC is also committed to supporting victims of crime who live in Orange County or where the incident occurred in Orange County.  

Other helpful resources:

VT Center for Crime Victim Services
VT Restitution Unit