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Youth Services

If you have been cited to Family Court for a juvenile delinquency, please contact us to arrange a time for a Youth Assessment & Screening Instrument (YASI). Our number is 802-685-3172. 

Vermont’s Youth Substance Awareness Safety Program (YSASP)

youth services orange county restorative justice programsYSASP is a restorative program for youth (ages 16-20) cited for underage drinking and/or possession of one ounce or less of marijuana. Police refer individuals to the program; the person referred to the program makes the choice to participate. 

Participants are assigned a case manager to support them through the program. The process begins with a substance use screening, which is used to develop a program plan. Program requirements may include a meeting with a certified substance use counselor, therapy, or educational programming. 

If an individual chooses not to participate in the program or fails to complete the program, a ticket is issued and sent to the individual and the Vermont Judicial Bureau (VJB). The ticket includes a $300 fine and a 30-day Driver’s License Suspension.

The program fee is $175. OCRJC is income sensitive.  We offer payment plans and reduce or waive program fees based on participant needs and ability to pay.  No one is turned away from our programs for lack of ability to pay.

Did you receive a notice of violation for underage possession/consumption of alcohol or marijuana?  Fill out this brief form, and the YSASP case manager will follow-up with you.

Fill out my online form.

To learn more about the Court Diversion Process, watch the short video below.  For detailed information, visit the Vermont Association of Court Diversion Programs.

Youth Court Diversion (Ages 11-19)

Court Diversion is a restorative alternative to the State’s court system.  The program is available for youth charged by the State’s Attorney with a juvenile delinquency. 

After police issue a citation for violating the law, the State’s Attorney decides whether to offer the youth a referral out of the court system to our independent, community-based Court Diversion program. The State’s Attorney relies on the Youth Assessment & Screening Instrument (YASI) to make this decision.  We strongly encourage all youth cited to court in Orange County to participate in a YASI.  If you have been cited to Family Court for a juvenile delinquency, please contact us to arrange a time for the screening. Our number is 802-685-3172. 

A youth and their family choose either to accept the offer or to continue with the court process. In making this decision, the youth must consider:

• Am I willing to accept responsibility for my choices and actions that led to the charge? 

The Court Diversion program is meant for people willing to be accountable for their actions.

• Am I willing to take steps to repair harm I may have caused to people, property, relationships and/or the community?

Court Diversion includes the needs of harmed parties in the restorative process, which may include paying back restitution for damages to property. People impacted are given the opportunity to share their experience of the incident, and their needs are reflected in the contract.

• Am I willing to reflect on underlying issues that may have contributed to my actions, and take steps to address those issues?

Sometimes past trauma or issues with mental health or substance misuse contribute to choices that led to the criminal action.  In those circumstances, steps to address those underlying factors may be a part of the contract.

Youth who choose Diversion are assigned a case manager to support them through the program. The youth and the people who support them meet with a panel of community volunteers to create a contract designed to repair the harm caused by their actions and to address the underlying factors in their life that contributed to the charge. 

When the participant successfully completes their contract, the State’s Attorney dismisses the charge, and the participant avoids a delinquency record. If a youth fails to complete their contract, the case is returned to the State’s Attorney for a family court process. 

The program fee is $100. Payments plans, sliding scale and fee waivers are available.  Ability to pay is never a barrier to participation in Court Diversion.

IF you have received a Diversion referral, please call 802-685-3172. 

To learn more visit the Vermont Association of Court Diversion Programs.

Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ)

Balanced and Restorative Justice (BARJ) is a balanced, restorative approach to juvenile justice. The program serves youth who are on juvenile probation, truant from school, or at risk of becoming involved with the juvenile justice system. BARJ services could include screenings, restorative processes, case management, restitution supports, restorative skills development, and prevention and community outreach. Participants are served by the case manager located closest to where they live.

OCRJC provides BARJ services to youth residing in Orange County communities. To learn more about this program, please call 802-685-3172 or contact Kyle Glover