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about orange county community justice programsThe Orange County Restorative Justice Center (OCRJC) was incorporated in 1981.

The OCRJC Mission is to be a major catalyst in Orange County for building and advocating for a just community by: using restorative programs to address legal issues, wrongdoing, conflict and the needs of harmed parties; and streamlining access to services that improve the health, well-being and positive behavior of individuals and the community.

The OCRJC Vision is that the everyday life in Orange County communities is safe, just and provides opportunities for all people to thrive.

The OCRJC adopted the goals of the Vermont Restorative Justice Programs’ Position on Racial Justice (click here to read) which include commitments to anti-racism training and ongoing examination of our policies and practices so we “work in ways that are inclusive and equitable, respect the dignity of all and build relationships rooted in justice and respect.” 

Programs offered by OCRJC include:

Below is a brief description of all of our programs:

Circles of Support and Accountability, for offenders reentering community, at a high risk for reoffense. Participants meet weekly to support their safe reentry into community. 

Court Diversion for youth and adults charged with a crime/delinquency in court.  Referrals are made by the Orange County State’s Attorney.  Participants who successfully complete Diversion have their criminal charges dismissed.  A Restorative Panel, comprised of volunteers, works with participants to address the harm they caused, while working on underlying factors that contributed to the criminal act.

Driver’s License Reinstatement Program, helping Vermonters reinstate their licenses through income-sensitive fine repayment plans;

Pre-charge Program for youth and adults found with probable cause to have committed a crime/civil violation/delinquency.  Referrals are made primarily by law enforcement and schools.  A Restorative Panel, comprised of volunteers, works with participants to address the harm they caused, while working on underlying factors that contributed to the incident.

Pre-Trial Services Program, providing support and services related to mental health and substance abuse for adults facing charges in criminal court.

Reparative Panels, for adults found guilty of crimes.  As part of probation, participants work with a Restorative Panel to address the harm they caused to victims and the community, while working on underlying factors that contributed to the criminal act.

Restorative Reentry, for adults returning to our communities after incarceration. A case manager works with participants to access services. Volunteers support successful re-entry.

Safe Driverfor people charged or found guilty of dangerous driving offenses.  The two-part class focuses on safe driving and the impacts of distracted driving on our communities.

Transitional Housingfor community members returning to Orange County after incarceration.  Program participants work with a case manager in our supportive housing environment to gain stability and direction to access secure independent housing while reducing the likelihood of future criminal activity.

Victims Assistancefor those impacted by the crimes referred to OCRJ programs.

Youth Substance Awareness Safety Program (YSASP) for youth receiving civil complaints for underage alcohol or marijuana possession.

For more information about restorative justice centers in Vermont, please visit